My family and I rode at Woodland for six months in 2006. During this time I noted: several horses being used that were markedly lame/sore (back problems) and two horses that died from colic. When it was raining, lessons were doubled up and held in the indoor, which was barely large enough to house one lesson. They would not let us reschedule. We considered buying a horse to board there, but were told that we could not bring anything in from outside and had to buy one of THEIR horses (which were horribly over-priced and under-trained -- $3500 for a horse they picked up at auction for $600 just two weeks before and I was the only one riding it. Horse was arena worthy and that's about it). Many of their "new" horses are fresh from auction and have no English training at all (those are the ones they would put me on because they were not "ridable" by the kids). IMO their horses are overworked (ridden a max of 4 hours a day) and many are too thin. Their instructors, for the most part, are not qualified to be teaching and do not teach correctly. During my six month stint at Woodland NO ONE mentioned using the outside rein as support or how to use my legs or use of the core muscles or anything about aids or straightness.
They do have lots of shows and camps and fun stuff to do. That's about all I can say that I liked.