I am in a program with DR.Byers where i recieve management, maintenance and prevention. And then I had an accident last April when i recieved a rear-end cllision. Dr, Byers has just begun using the Decompression treatment so this was one of the areas he took for the problem in my lower back. It was great to be able to see the progress by the scanner. THis accident really set me back a long way in nerve damage but with the extra care I reieved at Byer Chiropractic clinic, I am better now than when I started befor the accident. I am surely reccommending Chiropractic treatment to any one who will listen. Being a first hand testimony is the best way to be sure. Why should we suffer when it is not necessary? And why should we take medicine when not needed?? I sure don't!!! I have found that through time, I am feeling younger, not older as I am able to move with more freedom and it causes a wellness attitude for the mind. I am also reccommending good nutrition with wisdom. There are so many good foods out there but we have to determine to find, and use them for the sake of our better all around health. The combination of Chiropractic, good nutrition and a good mind set make the great bed fellows. Why don't we all spread the news!! I really appriciate the news letters from Dr.Byers with all the information and good advice concerning our bodies, inside and out.