My husband works in Harvard Square and he always used to walk by Beadworks and laugh, since it was ALWAYS full of people!! He always suspected there must be something shady going on besides the sale of beads... He'd ask, "How can a store that sells only beads be full of people all the time? How do they not go out of business?" I'd always agree. Then one day, I was walking by and was drawn in. Then I was hooked! I never thought I would say this, but I could spend hours looking at all the types of beads that they have... their beads are from all over the world and they get new ones in all the time (and get rid of old ones). I made bridesmaid jewelry for my friends as a gift to thank them for being in my wedding. I have learned to make necklaces and made holiday gifts for family members. It is quite an addictive habit! I am still really a novice, but the staff is helpful if you are trying to find something specific. The prices are high, but I have found that beads are pretty expensive no matter where you get them.