First of all I'm going to point out the negatives of Wrigley field. the home of the Chicago Cubs is located in the heart of the northside of Chicago, so the parking is for the most part is non-existent but that is the same for two other storied franchises' the bronx home of the Yankees and Boston home of the Red Sox. The lack of a humongous jumbotron is definitely a weakness for Wrigley and this is why, it is difficult to locate the score of the game at wrigley. second is the terribly small 'tube style' tv's located under the over hang of the stadium seating, with that being said it is nearly impossible to catch an instant replay. The on-going cherished 'trough style' bathrooms are disgusting and I recommend wearing rubber gloves, along with the lines being incredibly long just to enter at your own risk. The ancient Wrigley is falling apart and could potentially be risk to someones health. Now onto the positives of Wrigley, Wrigley was built in 1914 for $250,000 and still stands today which make the stadium a monument of the city of Chicago, to demolish the stadium would be as if we got rid of Buckingham fountain. The way i remember baseball is playing in the backyard or an empty lot with no fence or jumbotron, no lights to play at night, and no damn porcelin toliet to go to the bathroom in. Being a baseball fan I enjoy the intense fan base of the Cubs with that to say, the bleachers are true seats with all the immendities of annoyingly loud and drunks fans, as well as a great view of the cities skyline. I have a feeling if I were to ask a Chicago White Sox fan if he or she would prefer to enjoy a game at the original Comisky Park, or U.S. Cellular field. I would love to see how many people would pick the original. My first professional baseball game was in 1987 at the original Comisky Park, my second game was at Wrigley field and as the seventh inning stretch lyrics go, 'buy me some peanut and cracker jacks.' That's all anyone really needs at a baseball game, not a fancy assortment of food.