I took my puppy in last week and was told it was 75.00 just for the consultation. After they took him back i was then greeted by the receptionist with a 500 dollar agreement but was told it would be more. I was then told how much I could afford and If I could even afford the 75.00 dollars wich was offensive. I told then the amount I could afford and was told the Dr would come in to talk to me. After the Dr came in all she said was your puppy is very sick. REALLY???? why else would i be there? WOW I was then told i would have to pay more money (600+) up front for them to diagnose my puppy, All they care about is money and was told to start calling everyone so I could hand over my money I was charged what I told them I could afford and left there without any idea of what my puppy had and did not get any thing in return. The next day I took my Puppy to a REAL vet and he told me within 5 minutes that my puppy had parvovirus and was treating him cause it was a serious condition. What a difference in approach when they actually tell you what is wrong and not give me money or we wont trreat your pet. I would not recommend taking any pets there unless your filthy rich and want to hand over your money to incompetent people who just care about money $$$. It was just a big waste of my hard earned money and time, I got nothing in return just more grief and pain for my puppy.