Suzanne clearly states in her response “The clinic owners HAVE to require that clients pay for services or they would go out of business” Suzanne you have confirmed that you guys are in it strictly for the money. Then stating “It is tragic for all of us when owners are not financially prepared for veterinary emergencies” turned my stomach. Please tell me who can plan & prepare for such an emergency? Be it a beloved pet or a child NO ONE CAN BE 100% PREPARED FOR ANY SUCH EMERGENCY! That’s why it is an emergency!
I remember when Vets & vet offices showed compassion, understood that the pet was a member of the family, understood (especially in these financial times) that most folks do not have access to $2000+ at a moment’s notice. I have personally seen employees of this clinic displaying NO compassion, no emotion unless it was directly related to obtaining financial information or payment. After the 3rd time when I realize it was not an isolated incident but their mode of operation I have never & will never take another pet to this clinic. I too will be driving to Federal Way.
Fortunately I was not in the same position as Susan B. I did not have to make such a heart wrenching decision to either give my pet away or put it to sleep. I can not begin to imagine the pain & heart ache that she went through knowing that there was nothing she could do & no one to help her. I hope that when Suz finds herself in the same position, someone shows her compassion & not a calculator.