This school that requires students from all over the Anaheim Union School District to take a test that the students have to pass and perform well on in order to gain entry, also known as a magnet school, is a good place to send you children to learn. It has a good and qualified teaching staff that know the curriculum and teach in different ways that test the intelligence of the kids attending Oxford ACademy. There are some cons to this "perfect" school. The lack of extra curricular activities and classes that aren't based on the core subjects makes the students that go to this school pretty much stuck to the school's rules and do not have much choice when choosing classes and a career road. The classes offered are minimal (only consisting of classes that colleges accept). Students may or may not be able to handle the work at this school and the teasing involved by going to the school, many being called "Oxnerds." If you feel this is a school that fits your child, you may or may not be making a good decision.