This is a fun place to take family and friends and enjoy some traditional Brazilian BBQ. I suggest going for lunch and ordering the buffet option. It costs a lot less to eat lunch than dinner there. You still get to eat most of the more popular kinds of meat that they will bring around to you on big skewers and slice onto your plate. Dinner mostly offers some of the more exotic meat options and there’s a bigger variety. Also be sure to get some of the grilled pineapple (it’ll be one of the options coming around to your table on a skewer). The buffet provides a variety of traditional Brazilian foods, but also has some Americanized offerings for the picky eaters in your group. The desserts look tantalizing, but we typically never have room to eat any by the time we get to that course. Try the guarana soda for a traditional drink (it tastes like cream soda with a twist) or have a Brazilian lemonade (really limeade) – both are yummy.