It is very competitive to get an appointment, but if you are looking to become a patient there please contact me. My email address is {}. It is a comprehensive care school, so you can't just show up to get 1 filling/crown/root canal done. Appointments take time, because instructors check multiple steps and of course we are students who are trying to learn. The cost of work is about 1/3 to 40% off of what a private practice is. The problems is that you pay with your time. Most if not all of the dental students are very understanding to a persons needs. You get numerous inputs on with different instructors based on the different specialties (oral surgery, endodontists, fixed prosthodontics, etc). Patients are required to maintain at least 2 appointments a month and there is a "3 strikes" policy on missing appointments (i.e. miss an appointment completely, >15 mintues late, or cancel within 24hrs). I will be happy to fill in the extra details and possibly find a student for you if interested. The first appointment is a screening ($53 I believe for a pano x-ray and the actual screening) which will tell you an estimate (key word estimate) on total treatment costs. If you don't like what you hear, you're only out $53. Again please email me if you are interested in becoming a patient: Hopefully I can answer any questions you have. Thanks.