Old-time photos are common all over the shore. I cannot honestly say if this place is better than any other, but the staff is well-trained in making the photos look as good as possible. They help you pick out appropriate costumes and ensure that they provide a good fit to make you look good. After you pick a pose from the dozens of samples they let you page through, they position you so that you look as close to that pose as possible. I got my photo done with my girlfriend (a couple's shot) and I thought the photo came out beautifully. Of course, all of this work comes with a price nearing about $40 for 2 sepia-toned photos (they offer color for a few dollars more, but who wants color in an old-time photo?). If you add frames to your purchase, you could easily spend $70 here for just 2 photos. I do not recommend purchasing more than just the photos from them and picking out a nice frame somewhere else inexpensively. High marks for the staff for caring about the customers and at least trying to make us feel like we get our money's worth.