This is what my co-worker had to say bout Dr. Burhenne Mark.
Does a great job, explains options, hygenist is also great.
At a previous job my heath coverage was crap so I went to another dentist with an inflamed gum. The other dentist put in a new filling but problem was still there. Sent me to have gum surgery. Painful recovery, 3 months later problem still there. I got hired at my new company and went back to Dr Burhenne. He took a look and some x-rays and showed me how the filling the other dentist put in was not shaped correctly and also not fitted to my tooth so was loose and had pocket. He took out the old filling, put in a new one, and a week later I was totally fine. I really wish I had gone to Dr Burhenne to start with and could have avoided months of pain and the expense of the gum surgery!