Good: NOTHING! We were overcharged, given the run around, shaken down for gratuity, boxed out of knowing where our stuff was, and basically held at the mercy of the fact that they had our belongings hostage. Regardless of what their salesman says, this company does NOT care about its clients, and has NO qualms with baiting and switching honest people who are just looking for a solid service they can trust.. Bad: The actual laborers who packed and loaded our items were hard working and careful. I can't say the same for either their arrogant foreman (who gave himself an unauthorized tip off our credit card!) nor of the people back at the office, though.. Improvements: I'd honestly like to see this company shut down by the BBB. I've read lots of reviews from people who have had similar experiences to our own, right down to the specific sales rep!. Other: In retrospect, we should have had the police present when they pulled up to make them have to wait until the truck was emptied before they got the final balance paid to them (in cash, no less) – instead, they essentially told me they would not unload until they had their money in hand.