My dog is 13 years old and sadly has been getting very ill. He throws up often on our carpet and furniture. I get my carpet cleaned every 6 months to sanitize and remove the stains from the carpet and furniture, but I haven?t found a carpet cleaner that could take out all of the stains and make the vomit odor go away. I found Carpet Cleaning Kissimmee and thought I would try them out since the other 2 companies I used in the last year didn?t meet my expectations. Carpet Cleaning Kissimmee was amazing. The 2 vomit stains on my couch are gone, and there?s no smell left behind. The vomit stains in my carpet, as well as a few urine stains, are completely removed, and I don?t even know where the stains were exactly anymore because the smell is completely gone too! Trust me, I even got down on my hands and knees after they left and smelled the carpet! The odor is gone! As far as my experience, Carpet Cleaning Kissimmee are the best carpet cleaners and furniture cleaners in Kissimmee or even Florida!