I've lived with chronic pain for the past 7 years, and endured 3 major surgeries trying to correct the problems causing it. To live a somewhat normal life, I have to take medication and visit a pain specialist every month. As if that doesn't make life difficult enough, I was greeted with contempt and suspicion from the very first prescription I brought to Lewis Drugs. The pharmacist/owner, Ken, would search for any reason to send me away without my medication. On 5 different occasions, I was told my Rx could not be filled because the doctor didn't ""dot an i"" or ""cross a t"" on the on the prescription form. I asked if he could call the doctor and make the correction. He said it was against the law for him to make any changes to a schedule II prescription, so I had to go back to the doctor and get another form. Turns out that's BS. The only things that can't be changed on a schedule II prescription are the doctor's signature, the patient's name and the drug. A pharmacist can change anything else with permission from the doctor. On another occasion I was turned away because the Rx was filled out with two different pens. That's because the doctor's nurse wrote out the Rx and he signed it.common practice for many doctors. The list of other crap I was handed each month goes on and on. Need an early refill because of travel plans? Forget it. You're expected to plan your life around when your medicine runs out. Want to come in on the 27th or 28th day for a 30 day Rx? Forget that too. Only on the 30th day, I was told, because the law requires that too. More BS. I could go on, but I think you get the point. If you have a chronic condition that requires you to get your medication filled every month, take my advice. Go someplace else.