Took the 2005 Grand Cherokee in to have the transmission checked up after we had it worked on. While it was there we also had the oil changed before we went to Florida. We left for Florida the next day and my husband noticed the sticker that says when the next oil change is do, showed they used the wrong weight oil. We called Neal he said the right oil was used just marked wrong. At our first gas stop in Indy 100 miles on the oil change we were 1 1/2 quarts low. Again we called and the mechanic said he put 7 quarts in. One quart of oil where we stopped was over $6.00. When we got back my husband did another oil change and the oil plug was rounded slightly on the outside. Either an impact or the wrong wrench was used to tighten. Right wrench (13mm). The bill also showed they used the wrong oil also. At this time I wouldn't take my car to have them put air in the tires, I would probably have a flat a mile away.