I was drinking alcohol in isolation September through November thought I had an alcohol withdrawal until I talked to my Psych and he explained what happened when I quit my anti-depressant cold turkey. I googled it, they accepted my insurance. Mark was good to talk to on the phone. It was very hard at first but it was very helpful in finding out things about myself and that my spiritual life was almost non-existent. Discovered I had not began the grieving process of my husbands death. Counseling/listening finding the puzzle piece I was missing. I feel rested and ready to begin to go through the steps of grief. I am much more spiritually connected. Realize the danger of drinking and will never take the chance on having a drink again. Have not had one craving but I have watched people I have got very close to dying from the disease. I feel incompetent to give advice about addiction. I have had a balanced life. Just really got out of control moving, new job, husband sick-dying, special needs son, single parenting kids- just simply overloaded. Most of all staff was very supportive. I definitely have better coping skills and realize what happened and what was lacking in my life. Yes, I would recommend addicts to River Source.