I'm sorry but the positive reviews here are extremely hard to believe that they were written by actual satisfied customers who were happy with "Dr. Lori Portugal" and her staff service. I just cannot believe that. If they were written by authentic clients and not shills, then they either have extremely low expectations or need their head examined. Seriously.\r
The staff that is employed there are so rude it is jaw dropping. They all need attitude adjustments, maturity and a course on human decency. Clearly they have no regard for clients and act as if they're doing you a huge favor since you're bothering them. Smacking your lips while blowing huge bubblegum bubbles is so unprofessional. Screaming to persons working in the back because you are to lazy to get off the seat is also unprofessional.\r
But by far the worst is this Doctor person, Lori. Oh badness (not goodness). Where in the world do I begin with this colossal narcississt? She will talk at you instead of to you. She is not d