Do you really want to know? You got a car Monday,4/28, with a working ignition lock. You delivered a car Wednesday, 4/30, with a broken ignition lock and your help lied saying: "it would have happened anyway" "You had a broken key". The keys were fine. Your help inserted the wrong key, broke the pins in the lock mechanism and lied to a customer referred by an insurance carrier.
Five of your employees then pushed the vehicle up your ramp on to 94th Street after collecting my money making no mention of the lock problem when advising of the completed repair. Your help should be suspended from work for their dishonesty at least 2 1/2-5 working days WITHOUT PAY. tHIS SHOULD BE REPORTED TO THE BBB, NYC DEPT. OF CONSUMER AFFIRS AND THE NYS DEPT. OF MOTOR VEHICLES. YOU HAVE DISHONEST EMPLOYEES.