Elledge Chiropractic & Acupuncture Clinic are great people. They are so sweet, always smiling, and I love going there just to see them. Anytime I call to say I'm running late, they make time for me.
I was diagnosed with daily persistent headache syndrome, and I had headaches every day. My mom and I decided to go out and figure out what will help. I went to Dr. Elledge because he was right next to my job. He took an x-ray and found my vertebrae was rotated. He started to rotate it back to get the headaches to go away. I've been dealing with these headaches for 2 years, and they're not gone yet, but it's definitely better. I don't have severe headaches anymore.
Anytime I have any other pain I can go to him and say "Hey, this is hurting," and he'll make an adjustment to make me more comfortable. He does great work.