...and of course the hormones/testosterone are going to rage. Small meals 2-3times a day is the norm. Really, it is. Takes some serious planning and budgeting to prepare 200 meals twice a day for a 200 bed facility. ..but! Double that due to Many crime, many in jail....and you are preparing 400 meals twice a day: 800. Do the math. Bless the cooks and kitchens. Overpriced commissary? Not jails fault: blame Swanson the leading contender for jail product supply.They KNOW an inmate will pay for it. No jails dont receive much kickback from these companies: and honestly, if you have ever waited in line for ""commissary"" then you know the BS most jailers have to put up with inmates who act like kindergarteners. I would be an officer/jailer with some slight aggressiveness via shouting, cursing, etc too if I had to be short staffed with a pod or unit full of adults acting like they are 10yr olds. Got bigger kahunas than most.\r
So look, if youve been to a county jail or prison: you know the difference and you know these things are true. If you have never been, then im sure its a helluva shock to hear about from your loved one. Ive been there and know many others as well. We are not all horrible criminals but a jail trip seems to become more a modern-day occurrence. Jails are just that...jails. There are worse places. Really...there are. Oh and honestly its not ALWAYS about the jailers, officers, or even judges (silly of you people to NAME a judge...and stupid) I never blamed my judges for any issues I had....I was the lawbreaker. Folks need to get real and look around more.