I went to rose city the first time I called them a few times they never returned my call. then months later i had to get another car since the one I got was from a uto max. and is falling apart. I went in and I found a CAR I put money down to get it here and Idrove it but I had a app and told them I had ton leave they sold the car I put money down on. I found another car and test drove my mechanic looked at it put a grand down and after a few days I was ready to file chapter 7 I told them this too. scott told me everythin was ok after I made an app for the gps to be put in and lowered my decutable and everything else like referances he said it was ok after on a wen I took the car there for the gps to be put on they gave me their loaner which didn't lock to drive. fri comes I have already became a member took a driving course aLL TO LOWER MY INSURANCE scott called and tole me my car was done but I couldn't pick it up cuz I had to go to work. then as I was arriving at work I got a call saying I cant have the car the bank found out I was in chapter 7 and I have had several one in 07 that was dismissed and was a chapter 13 anyways one in dec of 13 and one in feb of 14 good thing I didn't give back the car I got or else I would be withoput a car