Horrible business! Don't ever purchase a vehicle or take a vehicle here to be repaired. After purchasing a vehicle from this business it just stopped working and shut down in the middle of a main road. After paying to have it towed 5 miles to their service center they had the vehicle for two weeks. They did not return phone calls. After finally getting a hold of them they kept telling me the car would be ready the next day and then never following through. In fact one time I drove all the way to pick up the vehicle, got their during their business hours posted on the door and the business was not open, no note on the door, nothing and when I called no answer. They don't even keep regular business hours or answer their phone. Highly unprofessional. They are charging me $250 when they had my car for two weeks and it's not even fixed. I must pay to have it towed to a dealership because they cannot fix it there. When I voiced my unhappy feelings I was told by their employees tough they don't care.