I was very reluctant to get my teeth whitened by a professional. I have VERY sensitive teeth and I can't even make it a week with ""Crest Strips"". I went to Dental Plus and with them knowing my history of sensitivity, they recommended ""Power Blast"" whitening technique. This is supposed to be the latest and greatest for ultra-sensitive people like me. It's as simple as going in to Dental Plus to get molds made (step one), going in for a beginning conditioning treatment (step two), bleaching at home for two weeks (step three) then going back for one more treatment in the office, two to three hours, but surprisingly very comfortable (step four). After these procedures you need to bleach with the trays monthly for keeping up with coffee, tea, etc stains. I just could not believe there was no sensitivity during the treatment! The last in-office treatment had only a few moments of being uncomfortable, but totally manageable, not painful like before where I couldn't even drink anything cold for days. This is the best whitening system ever! My husband did Zoom which was much more uncomfortable and time consuming and didn't have nearly the results mine did. WOW my teeth glow in the dark!! Thanks Dental Plus.