Great job loading up and Thomas was a wonderful supervisor but I mistakenly understood from our conversation loading where everything would go once he got to the house ie garage in garage, basement in the basement, boxes labeled where the label said but boxes ended up all over and not where they should have been. I ended up at the first location waiting for the truck to return to get all the missed boxes and the washer/dryer that got left. My daughter ended up leaving to follow trucks (once we realized they had left) and ended up never passing them and arriving and unloading her car before they showed up. Not sure what indirect route they took. I had believed they did a good job until I started looking at boxes and realized nothing was where it should have been. Needed a truck to return because they left without everything packed but they worked that out....thank goodness because I would not have been able to move a washer and dryer on my own!! They did have great teamwork and put in a lot of effort loading my house up. I called to discuss these issues and the fact I received a bill that was different then Thomas said when we finalized at the end but I'm still waiting for a return call!