I brought my dog to Borash for a couple of years for routine things, or so I thought was routine things. He constantly made a big deal about her ears needing to be flushed, her anal glands being impacted, and her teeth needing dental work. I fell for it for a little while and brought my dog in thinking, ok, this is he 3rd teeth cleaning in a year, she should be all set. I drew the line when my dog was almost 14 and he wanted to do MORE dental work. When I told him I was uncomfortable with putting a 14 year old dog under anesthesia for dental work, he became very defensive. I decided to change vets, and I still have yet to receive my records for her. I have been requesting her medical chart for over a year, and they always say "we will mail it when it is reviewed." They are LIARS because I still don't have her medical records. My new vet requested them as well, same answer, no records. Borash is also a little weird. I don't know why he felt the need to be so touchy feely with m