The service call went well to start with but after the first rain I noticed that the doors were still leaking water. My service call was to have some trim added to the doors and fix anything else that could be causing the water from getting in, and also to fix the way the doors would open and close because they wood get stuck on something and would need to shake the door to open them. They gave me a price and went to work, after doing the trim they wanted more money to fix the rest of the problems. No way! You gave me a price. Anyway, after the rain, the leak continuing, I called for them to come back this past Saturday. About an hour into the time frame that they were going to come they called 3 times in about a 5 minute period and then said that they would have to charge me again. (Service Guaranteed?) All bull! Told them never mind that I would find a way to fix the problem but I would not recommend them to sweep the garage never mind fix anything.