I saw Eibschutz for a few years myself but only because he's the only doctor in town. He is the absolute worst. I have no idea how this man got a licence to practice. I am not a doctor but I know far more about these diseases than he does. In fact, the man is a complete idiot. If you know very little to nothing about rheumatic diseases than you'll probably think he's okay. If you have any knowledge at all about them, you'll know exactly what I mean after five minutes with him. Other than his assistant, all other employees are rude, dumb and treat people as if they are fecal matter off the street. You will be better off seeing any other doctor, travelling hours or even better off seeing no one at all for your problems than to see this doctor. The few things that he did do for me were incorrect, wrong tests, wrong diagnosis and wrong medications. He truly knows nothing about anything. I did find the best Rheumatologist ever! Doctor Bartel in Solvang. Kind, intelligent, extremely throuough and knows everything about rheumatic diseases and more. Bartel got it right the first time. Eibschutz will never get it right.