I found out about Action Chiropractic through a co-worker who I trust. He had been seeing the two doctors at Action and I was looking for a doctor for my own situation.
I've always had a great experience with the staff there. They're very friendly, upbeat, positive people. I would hire more help if I could. They're really great at steering you in the right direction and following up with appointments.
The only thing I could critique about them is that sometimes when they're busier, the quality of the service is different, NOT worse, just different. Both doctors are great, but while one is always thorough and makes sure I'm taken care of, the other I have to do the initiation with about my care.
I especially recommend Lee Ann. She's great. She's one of those people who always wants to know how things are and remembers the little things like a good doctor or nurse would. Always great customer service.