""Guy P"", where do I begin? Start with you are NOT going to see ""an empty store and the owner on the street."" Marion Music has had an excellent reputation since it opened in 1985, and my mother and I have known Bruce Marion since then. My mom was organist at Palm Bay UMC for over 25 years, and Bruce came to her funeral. I didn't even know that till I went into the store a year later. He is that nice and unassuming. Everyone compares their stuff to prices they see on ebay, and FYI, these are the ASKING prices, not the prices they actually sold for. Bruce hardly is running a ""pawn shop."" Ever try selling musical instruments on your own? Get to know what getting hosed REALLY is! People want you to give your guitars and pianos away. Face it, in this economy there are more sellers than buyers for musical instruments. Mr. Marion's consighnment of your musical instruments is an opportunity for every musician in the area to see your guitars or whatever, AND compare them to what else is selling by others. Wanna try selling your stuff on eBay or Craig's List? More power to you. Bruce Marion, the owner you speak of, is NO THIEF. BTW next time you post, try writing in English. Your ""review"" is one long sentence and an incoherent rant. If you have a beef, write it up on a word processing program, spell and grammar check it, clean it up, and then think about posting it. Nobody takes your kind of post seriously. Yes, you can call my review a Recommendation.\r