Walk In Web Store, New Owner, New Location. New Policies. Hello I'm Val and I'm the new owner of Walk In Web Store. The paperwork was finalized January 2014 but I've spent the last 8 months as an employee. I have a strong appreciation of Walk In Web Store's strengths, style, and model. I also have a handle on the companies weak points. I plan on instituting; set prices, a clear project management system and a fully staffed, diversely skilled, house of tech savvy, creative individuals. \r
During the last 8 months I've become familiar with all of the clients including the unfortunate Mr. ""H"". Sadly, Mr ""H' came in toward the decline of the Founder's health, eventually the original owner passed away and had not set up an 'exit plan'. Lots of customers got a little lost in the shuffle. Mr. ""H"" wasn't one of them. Despite multiple offers to refund most of his money and/or give him an (effective) SEO campaign he refused. He was determined to be upset about some bad advice he had supposedly gotten from someone at WIWS. \r
This gentleman sued Walk In Web Store and lost. In other words a court decided that he had indeed received the services he paid for. So sadly he has been posting bad reviews like the wind, enough energy to have implemented ten SEO campaigns.