Very natural 500 cc BA and superb customer service.\r
It’s been four months since I had my BA performed by Dr. Nezami. I had 500 cc silicone. I waited some time before posting a review because I wanted to write what I considered to be a complete review and wait until my BA was settled in.\r
Bottom line up front. I am extremely happy with my BA. They feel like my own. I have had NO loss in sensitivity of the breasts nor aerolas, which was a concern of mine. My BA looks very natural regarding how they sit on my frame. They are symmetric, perky, and full. They make me feel very feminine. They are soft and squishable. I can sleep on my belly with careful pillow placement. Surprisingly, I still can still squeeze milk out on occasion. (I breastfed before the BA and my milk never completely went away). The scar is small and fading. The scar is completely unnoticeable when wearing bra or bikini. Dr. Nezami is professional, courteous, and genuinely cares about his patients. He also cares about his staff and it shows. They are the dream team of cosmetic surgery. \r
I was a nervous wreck before the operation not because of the staff, but because I am tend to worry by nature. Dr. Nezami is a professional and has a high regard for safety. He noticed something unusual in my blood work. He had my blood work sent to a hematologist. Based on the findings, I was cleared for surgery. However, we had to be vigilant that I would not develop blood clots post surgery due to my blood failing one of the tests. They perform surgery in his office, which is in a major hospital. This is wonderful because this allows them to have higher control of controllable variables compared to offices that perform surgeries outside of their normal office. The staff have the business workflow completely nailed down. Ms. Mary Lou and Ms. Martha are wonderful and kind people. \r
Operation day:\r
I was extremely nervous. I cried a lot. I asked the nurse to hold my hand and pray with me. I wanted to have the BA, but I am also a mother. So I was really nervous. It was the first surgery I had ever had in my life. I was even nervous about the malignant hyperthermia because I had read about it online. I asked the anesthesiologist if he was prepared to deal with malignant hyperthermia with an anecdote should the need arise. All the staff were very professional in addressing my concerns, and I was ready for surgery.\r
The surgery went beautifully without any complications. I wanted the 500 cc, and Dr. Nezami had warned me that if the 500 cc would not fit in my natural pocket that he wouldn’t force it. (I’m shorter than average height.) However, he was able to implant the 500 cc. I was ready with my post-op clothing and knew when’s and what-type of bra to get because they had already given me those instructions. Dr. Nezami sent me home with a device that helps to circulate blood in my legs due to my unique blood which makes me have to be extra vigilant for the formation of blood clots.\r
Dr. Nezami scheduled multiple post-op visits based on a set schedule. He saw me personally every time. Some offices schedule only nurses to see post-op patients. But Dr. Nezami is a very amazing and unique doctor. He truly cares about his patients and personally sees to their well being. I highly recommend Dr. Nezami for BA surgery. \r