My son just received a check that was over 5K from SallieMae and it had this place where the name of the bank should be. He has been trying to sell a truck and had texted with someone named Roger Kim or Kim Roger. They never did come to an agreement about the price but there was that whole ""I like the truck, I agree with your price and now I will send you a check plus the costs to ship it"" thing. Today the check arrived through FedEx Smartpass which has the post office deliver the mail and they had to scan the envelope saying we got it. \r
I cannot convince him that this is a scam so he has now gone to a bank to try and open an account with this check. He wont believe me when I tell him how these scams work. I am sure that the bank may hold it for 5 to 10 days then release the funds but then the check will ultimately come back as fake and he will be left owing some bank 5K. Im sure that is some type of crime to owe a bank that much even in this situation. \r
Please pray with me that the bank wont open an account with that check! We tried to call this place and they told him that they couldnt verify the check or if it would clear. That is so untrue of real banks.