Word of warning about Dr. Reichel and her staff: they insist that the consent form saying that all risks and benefits have been explained by Dr. Reichel before ever meeting with her. Risks were never explained as required by law. I proceeded because I had done the research on the surgery before scheduling it, but the doctor really should be explaining the risks an benefits of the procedure. Then, in spite of having clearly stated my drug allergies on the written health form AND verbally to the medical assistant, when Ipicked up the prescription at the pharmacy, I found that it was for the one antibiotic to which I am allergic--a potentially life threatening mistake had I just taken the drug without double checking online to learn that it was in the class of drugs to which i am allergic. Two phone calls and an email to the clinic have gone unanswered. In addition, it was unnerving that the assistant was so inexperienced she had to have sterile procedure explained to her, didn't know how to do sutures, didn't know how much lidocaine to inject, etc. I was referred to Dr. Jacobsen but went to Dr. Reischel because I needed an immediate appointment due to other plans--mistake. Get your Mohs' surgery elsewhere.