The first dress I bought from CC's of Rome was for my granddaughter. She was in the Atlanta preteen pageant and we found the perfect dress for that. Candy helped us. She was such a big help; she talked to me a lot about the dress and all. That was the first time I went there. Everyone was really nice and a lot of help and ever since then I've been going there for her dresses.
My granddaughter wore another dress from CC's of Rome in a pageant were she won a North Point modeling thing. Also, last year wearing one of the dresses she won the Queen of Diamonds at her high school as a freshman. Normally seniors win that, but her dress and everything else was perfectly put together. It was a big accomplishment.
The dresses are perfect for every occasion. I bought one for a cruise that was just gorgeous and I recently bought another one for my granddaughter for a dance at school. Every time we go it's perfect. We find exactly what we need. The service is great and the people are fabulous. They're so nice that I almost feel like they're family.