TERRIBLE CUSTOMER SERVICE!! And they LIE! I agree with all the previous posts that Gene Perez has the worst customer service. It is actually David Perez ""Director of Operations"" that lacks all customer service skills. He is one of those defensive, literal, arrogant, broken records that have this ""he said she said"" mentality where he wants to argue every little point and misses the big picture. I feel sorry for his wife and kids, or anybody at all that has to deal with him. Just read his response to this review and you can have a little glimpse. He just can't help himself.\r
They had my car for two months for repairs and I get it back with damage on the door panel in the stainless steel and in the leather. As well as a messy paint job- which seems to be a recurrent theme here. They reported ""surface scratches"" at intake and took a picture of it. They emailed a blurry picture that didn't show any details. I simply wanted to look at the original picture to compare to see if the damage was as bad at intake as when i got my car back. So I sent them my pic of the damage to compare. Anything could have happened from my car being towed to them having it for two months. In addition, the paint job was unacceptable when they tried to return the car to me and I had to return it to them to redo. Tesla looked at my car prior to them trying to return it to me and noted the sloppy paint job and told them it was unacceptable. Then Gene Perez body shop lies to me and my husband that ""Gee, I'm surprised Tesla didn't notice that"". \r
First I get a response from Mike Sforza ignoring my request, claiming how perfect his technicians are ""day in and day out"". So I pointed out very sarcastically, how not perfect they are since after two months, they still botched my paint job that they had to again fix. \r
Then they sic this Dave Perez ""Director of Operations"" guy on me, crying about how insulted he is that I suggest they damaged my car, how they aren't going to repair it and how he has zero intentions of pursuing this issue. \r
Next email, in a moment of lucency, Dave says he'll take a look at the photos and compare them first thing in the morning and actually apologizes for Mike's wording. Only to fall quickly into his pit of lunacy trying to argue little points in my email, redefends Mike's wording, until after three paragraphs of useless ranting, he admits that the photo they have is too blurry.\r
For some inane reason he keeps preseverating that Tesla also documented the damage, proving they didn't do it. Meanwhile, Tesla only looked at my car at the end of the two months Gene Perez had it, not prior. So misinformed.\r
Not even once did I ask them to repair my door panel, I just wanted to look into it further. Besides, I would never let them touch my Tesla again! What Dave ""Director of Operations"" and apparently customer service, can't seem to understand, is that any customer that notices damage that shouldn't be there, would normally investigate further.