I used this midwife and felt cheated by her. I was assured over and over again about her being a paramedic. She never was, she was an EMT with lapsed credentials (HUGE difference in training). Countless stories about other mothers during my visits, which made me question what she was saying about me to other moms. Big privacy violation. She always had students, which I didn't mind, but it was a little disconcerting that she was constantly dealing with other distractions instead of paying attention to my visits. Her office is in her home, which I thought was cute at first...until her grandchild would be at nearly every appointment I had. I'm sorry, but if I am paying you to care for me, I don't need a toddler having a temper tantrum in the room. Her daughter (the child's mother) would also wander in and out of my visits. It was more then uncomfortable talking over the parent-child screaming matches while I was trying to have my questions answered. At first it felt like family in a good way, but it turned into the family situations that I want no part in. Each visit became more and more stressful and I saw Kelli less and less as my pregnancy went on. Several visits happened where she wasn't even in the room, but would pop in here and there to make sure the student midwife was doing things with me. I began to loose faith in Kelli...she simply wasn't a part of my pregnancy any more and my confidence in her was shaken. How could she make it a goal to know me and what I needed (her words) if she was not spending that time with me? She asked the basic questions about me, but more and more I was subjected to stories about the people of Peru and how she is treated like a goddess there because she is a midwife and so amazing. With all due respect, me and my baby should have been her #1 concern during our visits. Not her grandchild, not her kids, not the children of Peru that drew her with a halo of sunshine. If she couldn't be bothered to hear my concerns while pregnant, how attentive would she have been with my birth? I left Kelli's practice and have no regrets. I learned what midwifery care SHOULD be with a 100% focus on mama and baby. Please don't let your care be a lesser priority. Find a midwife that puts you first.