People like kniel make me sick you took the food from your kids not this company you parked where your not allowed and there are signs everywhere what makes you think your above the rules? All you people are sick people who think the world owes you twice I had to wait for park city to come remove a person from my spot I don't pay my rent to have to sit out side in the cold for hours because u think u can park where ever when ever you want and now I can't park. Take responsibility for your actions grow up and be a adult. I bet if I parked in your spot you would call them faster then I can blink same for all you sick people. Grow the hell up an take responsibility there are signs everywhere if you think your above the rules you will pay and be brought back to earth if to stupid to read the sign I hope they charge you more. Kniel shame on you for thinking you can do what ever you want shame on you for being so greedy you paid 200 jus to park a little closer shame on you you sick person for teaching your kids to be above the rules of life. I am so ashamed of all of you blaming your stupidity on this good company shame to you. These guys busy their butts and risk there life's to help people every day. I hope they know who you are and when you and your kids are stuck in a snow storm they refuse to help you. You got what you earned lady eat it. For the drivers of park city god bless you guys you guys do a job that most couldn't. Be safe and watch out because there are people like kniel with driving licenses out there with no concern of others.