One of the Worst\r
I am not sure who they think they are fooling but what they serve is not vietnamese food. \r
I have many friends from Vietnam, so many I could not name them all if I tried and have eaten and none use the hot sauce like this. If they didn't want to serve Vietnamese food they should just call their restaurant American crap and get on with foreclosure. This is one of the worst restaurants I have ever had the displeasure to visit.\r
To be fair, I was warned by a good friend of mine that this place was not authentic, and he is from Vietnam, being born there and lived there for many years, but restaurants with the same name exist in other places and their service and food have been amazing.\r
Perhaps this is a drug hangout, which kind of explains their patrons, lack of authentic spices and inability to speak Vietnamese.\r
My final review or tip is to try Chan's down the street or one of the other excellent Vietnamese restaurants in the Vi-Mi district.