Dear Mik,
This is a letter of appreciation for the service that you provided me in light of the head on traffic accident that I experienced.
I have had seven occasions in my life, which have required me to have chiropractic care. They have included falling off a 6’ ladder onto gravel, impacting my 5th lumbar region with spastic result; running injuries; 6 weeks of care required for weight bearing injury that disabled me from landscaping work; having a 500 pound crate fall off a lift gate onto my head requiring emergency care and stitches, and the latest case, the above mentioned car collision.
I have been treated by at least as many chiropractors here in the Bay Area. From the first day I could distinguish your care of my situation as fundamentally different from that of all the others. You methodically and scientifically examined my case with the aide of
x-ray diagnostics and thorough check of range of motion. This is something no other chiropractor has ever done.
I also appreciate your direct communication, explaining what you could do for me and how you would do it, in scientific, yet down-to-earth, friendly manner. I have found chiropractic practitioners to be generally friendly people, however, many seem to fall short on confidence and sincerity. Some have come across as put-on in one way or another. I see you as a friend and neighbor; someone I can trust and enjoy interacting with and know that my treatments will be performed in a professional manner. You have taken the time to work with me, given me effective exercises to heal and maintain my back and I feel that whenever I come in for help that my time and money are well spent. Not once have I had a sense of participating in a revolving-door scenario, which I have experience in the past.
I was initially surprised to find that a complete history of back injuries could be found, via your x-rays, of issues I had considered long since corrected and furthermore, was amazed when the subsequent x-rays showed that you had faithfully erased those problems.
Your work has been and continues to be greatly appreciated by me and you will be highly recommended to anyone I come across with health problems.
Sincerely, Mark Smith