BE VERY CAREFUL! VISITING THIS GUY CAN RUIN YOUR ENTIRE FUTURE. I visited this guy to attain time off work for stress b/c I'd experienced a stalking sutation. I spent literally 15 minutes with this doctor (b/c I caught him on a same day cxl) and while making my request he tried to curve my words, translate what I said into other things, cursed and tried to used the homeboy appeal as though I didn't need a professional b/c I was black and even told me to get out of his office when I told him I would not acknowledge or approve of things he was saying i.e. ""you're making it up, right"". After the 15 minute meeting I moved 2 states over to try and start a new life. After applying to over 100 new jobs I began inquiring why I wasn't being hired. Mysteriously companies were being told I may have a psych problem. WOW!! As though that isn't enough I was being watched by various mental groups, ""for my health"" --they say. I WAS ASTOUNDED that all of this could stem from a request for time off work for stress with no indications/wording of ANYTHING ELSE. (I found later that my stalkers are in a group full of professionals ranging from tech guys to doctors might I add- huh..).. For heaven sake our meeting was 15 minutes and he refused to accept the ""police report"" that documented the stalking with evidence stating the police office validated my story. Although I cannot legally state that he was the culprit behind the job situation as I truly do not know. What I do know is that no one else knew about the visit other than my co-worker who recommended I ask for time off and who was his patient but never knew I actually visited him. BE VERY CAREFUL AS YOU MAY BE WORKING IN A THRIVING TECHNOLOGY FIELD ONE DAY AND FORCED TO WORK IN WALMART THE NEXT as well be forced to prove to doctors, PD's, hospitals that a doctor made an unethical choice b/c he didn't win a word game. Since this time a complaint has been filed with the Department of Human and Health Services HIPPA (Privacy) department. I'm currently awaiting assistance.