I would strongly warn you not to hire this company...unprofessional is a mild characterization of this outfit. 1. They did not show up on the scheduled move date. After 2 hours of trying to contact them without success they called to say they ran over on the previous job in another state and offered to move me on the following day. The next day they arrived 1.5 hours late. The reason given for being late - one of the movers lives far away/had to travel a long distance. 2. They forgot that they were supposed to pack us and had to go to the nearest Home Depot to buy packing supplies which delayed things another 1.5 hours. We provided our own packing materials in the meantime to 1 mover and packed with him @ 1/4-1/3 of the boxes while waiting for the other 2 movers to return from Home Depot. From that point it took them 14.5 hours to pack and load my 2100 sq ft house onto the truck. 3. The truck wasn't large enough for our stated job which included picking up items we had at a local storage facility- however it didn't matter since they didn't leave my house until 1:30 in the morning and the storage facility was no longer open at that time. 4. They closed the truck and were about to leave when I yelled out to them that there were several items still left in the house that they didn't get (2 TVs, 3 rolled rugs, etc) - the items barely fit in the too small truck. 5. Because of the late hour, we agreed to delay unloading at my new house until the following morning (now 2 days after our scheduled move date). Again, they arrived over an hour late. It took them over 8 hours to unload the truck. 6. They removed and packed my Italian chandelier from my old home but they couldn't hang it at my new home because they didn't save the screws! 7. The clothes they packed were a mess when I went to unpack them. 8. One of the movers spent a great deal of time on the phone arranging other jobs for his company during the course of my move. 9. One of the movers kept getting phone calls about a birthday party he was late for and he seemed resentful that he was there at my move. Seriously? 2 days after I was expecting to be moved in? I was the one who had a right to be resentful. UNPROFESSIONAL all around. I would have had a smoother experience if I had gotten my brothers to move me. They discounted the price but I would have been happy to pay more to move 2 days prior with efficiency.