To anyone interested in repair work at Advanced Automatic Transmissions. I will say this. Beause of exceptional service and courtesy extended, to me, by Mr. Metelski, I found it nessary to write this letter of commendation. It is my opinion that Mr. Metelski is a man of integrity, honesy and morality. Not only did he make much effort so to solve my problem, he shopped the "market" to find the price(s) so to keep the cost of my repairs at a minimum and, incidentally, very close to his estimated cost for repairs. Also, he kept in contact with me so I would know the costs and progress of the repairs. Very seldom does one receive this type of service from an auto garage repair shop. I believe that this letter should be placed where other people can read it. You may be assured that any future repair, of the type offered by your business, will be purchased, from your business as long as Mr. Metelski is running it.