I came to Dr. Stanley Schaeffer with much trepidation. I have had dental problems since early childhood and now in my middle 80's I had reached the stage where the partials I had on the upper teeth were no longer working. The balance of the upper teeth - 7 in all, were now shaking and it was increasingly difficult to chew anything. Dr. Schaeffer told me I had reached the end of the line with the top teeth. I had spoken to friends about losing one's teeth to dentures and they assured me that the experience was not traumatic. For me the idea was so traumatic that life was no longer worth living. The battle to save my teeth was a battle for my life and I did not want to go on. It is difficult for me to fully describe how really amazing Dr. Schaeffer was when handling my case. He knew how I felt and shared with me his own feelings about such trauma. It was the way he spoke to me that made me realize that I still had something to live for even if I had lost my lifelong battle with my teeth.