Dear Mik:
I want to take this opportunity to express my appreciation for the effective help that I received from you and your staff. When I first came to see you following a severe whiplash injury sustained in a car accident, I wasn’t sure that chiropractic care could help me. In addition to neck, head and shoulder involvement, the accident had greatly aggravated a problem in my lower back (previously diagnosed as degenerative disc disease L4-L5). Traditional medical interventions including muscle relaxants had done little for my condition over a period of five years. Prior to the accident I had attained considerable improvement from a regimen of flexion exercises, Tai Chi Chuan, swimming and acupuncture. You can imagine my added distress when these years of hard work were undone by the accident and I found myself again suffering from sciatica in my legs, numbness in my feet, chronic severe lower back pain, and greatly reduced motility in my back.
I was first of all impressed by the thoroughness of your intake evaluation and program planning. I particularly appreciated your time spent in fully explaining to me the nature of my injuries and your plans for correcting them. I was also pleased that your program involved my active participation through a program of corrective exercises. This aspect very much confirmed my own prior experience in what had been helpful in improving my condition.
All these factors are minor in comparison to my appreciation of the immediate and clear way that the adjustments helped to relieve the acute pain and distress caused by the injuries. I remember coming into your office with severe headaches which would keep me awake at night and make it almost impossible to attend to my clients and have you move vertebrae in my neck that were pressing on nerves and experience immediate improvement. It was also clear that the numbness in my face and arms and hands would dramatically improve with each adjustment. While I continue to have symptoms for over a year now since the accident, there has been a pattern of steady and clear improvement over time with your adjustments. When I began, my headaches were severe and constant; they are now moderate and intermittent and can be relieved by adjustments and sometimes by use of my corrective exercises. My shoulders, arms, neck and back were greatly impaired in terms of range of motion following the accident, and are now much closer to normal for me. I have a clear index for this gradual improvement in noticing the ease and range of motion in my daily exercises.
Once again, let me say thank your for your assistance and effective help in guiding my recovery from a severely disabling accident. I particularly appreciated the warm, friendly and supportive atmosphere of your staff and office.