I broke an outside water faucet on a Sunday. It broke off inside the wall. I shut off all water, found where pipe fed the outside and cut open the drywall to have open access. I just needed a plumber to show up, solder a fitting on and tighten up a new faucet that I had already purchased. Above all came out, didn't have supplies and left for an hour to get stuff. (What kind of plumber doesn't have the simplest of equip for a job.) I had explained in detail what I needed. Anyway, he soldered and installed a new faucet, (not mine) then told me it was 300$!!!! For 15 min work. I reluctantly paid and immediately placed a call to owner to complain. He has yet to return my phone call. On top of that, the repair leaked after water was turned on and he had to come back for another fix. Make sure you use anybody else. Owner knows he took advantage of me, and I will never spend a penny with him in ANY form of buisness.