I spoke with Capital One & they are very apologetic about what occurred. I just spent the last 4 hours on the phone with the fraud department so I can get paperwork without it having to obtain a subpoena via mt lawsuit/attorney. You see, it's difficult to track down a phone call that I made yesterday that I reported that I found her card because its not my account, its hers and I don't expect them to talk to me about HER account. So, what Corporate is doing is starting Monday, they are tracking down my number and are going to send me the data showing that I called from my cell number, the date and time. This WILL show and PROVE I did in fact report that I found her Credit Card, but like I said, they cannot discuss with me details, all that requires a subpoena, which I am going to obtain via my lawyer. Also, they are gonna try and actually pull the entire phone call recording, but they did say that it will most likely need a subpoena. I bitched and moaned about that because t