In writing a review I did not want to boast on my personal experiences because there is almost always an emotional attachment to your words. I would rather give a personal observation. To many of us animals become part of the nuclear family and there is nothing we would not do for our family members. Sometimes emotions become entangled in purse strings and resentments are formed and in our minds comparisons are set to human cost. I wanted to look at the reviews as a complete picture to what was being written by others. Sometimes the wisest words come from the minds of the least expected. I have a quote that covers the experience you will receive at Windcrest Animal Hospital. "“You can judge a man's true character by the way he treats his fellow animals.” a quote by Paul McCartney.\r
This is the big picture neither the price nor any plan to lure you in...... there is a compassion that people miss when choosing a veterinarian. This compassion goes beyond anything that is imaginable b