Buy a Hyundai! JUST NOT FROM ROUND ROCK... ""I AM NO LONGER INCENTIVIZED TO HELP YOU"" - WHO WANTS TO HEAR THAT FROM A SALESMAN A MONTH AFTER YOU PAY $20K FOR A NEW CAR? It's one thing to KNOW they already THINK that but to actually hear the words spoken to you in another thing. (I am finally ticked off enough to post this and ask everyone to LIKE this). So, the new HYUNDAI is a GREAT CAR, even got a really good price... Give Hyundai a ""10"" for the vehicle, but ROUND ROCK HYUNDAI, I give them a ""0"" for CUSTOMER SERVICE. So 3 months after buying the vehicle we are STILL driving on an EXPIRED TEMPORARY PLATE because no one returns a call. Not the salesman, not his manager, not the manager's manager. SO, go buy a Hyundai, they make great cars, just don't buy one from Round Rock.