People looking for an apartment, do not live here. I thought it would be perfect, being so close to campus; however, it's not a safe place to live. The doors do not have any sort of real lock, like a dead bolt. Someone could easily break in with a credit card. All my neighbors do is blare rap music and smoke pot, so much so that the smoke comes through my vents. The ""security guards"" do not do their job. I heard one guard telling two young men that if he saw someone breaking into one of our vehicles, he wouldn't do anything about it. Quote ""This is a bad area. I'm not risking my life by going outside at night."" Ummm? Isn't that the job of a security guard? To protect the grounds? The heating is terrible in the winter too. The pictures make the place look nice, but when I moved in my apartment was filthy. There was so much dust on my window blinds that the blinds literally looked gray rather than white. The elevators break down constantly and alarms go off on a daily basis. One time, the alarms started going off on a Saturday morning and it wasn't fixed until Monday. The main internet connection is terrible. I have a router, but it still messes with my connection. At least two times a week I have internet access problems. I cannot wait until my lease is up, so I can move to a safer apartment building. If you're a student, business person, or someone who relies on a quiet, peaceful apartment building, look elsewhere. University studios is not the place for you.