I wish I learned about the Actors Comedy Studio years ago. Yes, of course, Todd is THE BEST at comedy. On top of all his knowledge about how to teach comedy he also knows everything you need to know about the business and what it takes to be an actor and how to market yourself. He challenges you, he encourages you and inspires you to be the best and is patient and so supportive. He genuinely wants you to be the best you can be and really believes in you and gives you the tools you need to succeed. But it's not all about the comedy. It's first about being an authentic and honest actor. He's specific and really pays attention to detail catered to the individual. I get to learn with and from some of the most dedicated and best actors in town, therefore, every class is inspiring. Todd creates a strong community for actors and now Actors Comedy Studio is offering casting director workshops with the most popular casting directors in the biz! I'm stoked I found this gem of a studio... I just wish I would have found it sooner!